Acel Arceneaux

Disgraced Highborn / Fugitive / Dubious Therapist

[Heavensward spoiler warning!!]
Crystal - Mateus || Willing to travel


NameAcel Arceneaux [ah-SEHL AR-sin-o]
Height5 Fulm 8 Ilm
Occupation"Therapist" / Ex-Seminarian
OrientationHomosexual / Doesn't want to talk about it
StatusReserved for bread.
ExtraUsually found in Ishgard, but can occasionally travel

PersonalityBeneath a softspoken exterior is a pride nurtured to the point of arrogance, and recent changes to his lineage has done little to temper Acel's conduct. As willful and haughty as any highborn elezen that dares to contend with him, he has lived his life asserting his place, and his is a silent presence that nonetheless demands undivided attention.Despite his abrasive dignity and often scalding view of the world at large, Acel is surprisingly diligent. He believes respect to be earned, and it stands true both for respect given to him and his to others. As such, Acel works hard at everything he does, from academics to swordsmanship, and he remains a confident conversationalist wherever he finds himself.If one manages not to be too offended by the former seminarian, they'll find in Acel a steadfast friend who holds honor in the highest regard. He's as loyal as they come, and though he gossips about others with little regard, he'd also defend the reputation of his friends to his last breath. The problem, really, is getting that close to him to begin with.


TL;DR: Minor Ishgardian house gets ransacked at the end of the Dragonsong War, Disney parent deaths occur, anime angst continues into Kugane. Eventually the shounen protagonist anti-hero comes back to reassert his lineage. Spoiler: He has no idea what he's doing.

As the single heir to House Arceneaux, Acel was under no misguidance about his lot in life. Though they were a minor house, they partook in all the usual fares of Ishgardian highborns, and from young Acel has watched his father navigate highborn politics with unfathomable finesse, to the envy and chagrin of their peers.Still, being adept at Ishgardian politics held little honour despite reputation being king. Alliances were made and broken at the drop of a hat, opponents were sold out or set up for accusation mercilessly-- yet, this was home, and it was all the veena knew, for he had never even heard of the vast forests that could have possibly been his home, long before his mother traversed down from the mountains.Though House Arceneaux was regarded with the same apathy and distrust as the many others around them, Acel was nonetheless eager for his future role. It seemed to be natural, this way of life-- to rise or fall from one's own wit, or to win honour not by who espoused the highest personal virtues, but through valour on the battlefield. Talented as the young Arceneaux heir was, Acel knew not fear, nor any future in which he could even conceivably be anything but one of the elite.At least, that was until the end of the Dragonsong War, when the revelation of treachery ripped through Ishgard like wildfire, thawing a thousand year old hatred and yet sparking new animosity from the ashes. No longer were they fighting dragons, but instead a faction of the lowborn wanted their revenge, and House Arceneaux stood among the noble houses which paid the price for their haughty privilege.Spared the ransack and slaughter by serendipity of a request to stay behind at the Scholasticate one night, Acel will never know if the other students knew of the plan, nor if they truly wanted to spare him or to see him suffer more. Given his reputation, the latter was just as likely-- or perhaps they simply didn't think he would make it home just in time to see his parents fall.Regardless, Ishgard was fast changing, and she had no tolerance for the old.Even as the immediate anger simmered down, the students at the Scholasticate continued to be harassed, and though Acel was stubborn about holding his head high in spite of the devastating loss, he was no match for the daily attempts on his life. Even arrogance had its limits, and while Acel was just about ready to claw out his own flesh in frustration, eventually he was forced to flee Ishgard altogether.What remained of the Arceneaux estate was decimated, plundered and divvied up or otherwise smuggled to the Far East. Acel himself carried only one memento, and when he arrived in Kugane he had no choice but to give up his father's blade as well.In exchange for protection, the few remaining members of the Arceneaux line chose instead to serve a kumicho, working as otherwise dispensable lackeys that helped extend reach back into their homeland. While they seemed happy enough to sell out their own country, Acel would quickly grow tired of such a life-- devoid of both pride and honour, scurrying about like cockroaches away from the light of authority. Regardless of what the country had-- or will-- become, and in spite of the animosity from his own people, Acel still considered himself a proud son of Ishgard. No amount of racism nor classism was about sway him, past or present.With his mind made up, Acel would return to Ishgard as a ward of another house, though he would continue to use his last name in defiance of all attempts to wipe it from the ledgers. From there, he intends to rebuild all that he'd lost, whether by wile or by force.

Therapy Clinic

Crystal - Mateus - Empyreum - Ward 12 - Ingleside Subdivison - Apt #33

CLOSED on account of being exiled from ishgard

"Are you even licensed?"


Sons and Daughters of Ishgard
The most obvious connection with Acel. Is your character Ishgardian? Then there's plenty to work with here. Whether they're lowborn or highborn, a former friend or a previous bullying victim-- maybe they were part of the mob that lynched the Arceneaux estate, or if they're a highborn perhaps they were the one to extend a hand in offering protection upon Acel's return to the country. Either way, I'm sure we can work something out!

Revenge Vows
Given the type of character Acel is, there's absolutely no reason why he would not be the villain of someone else's story. Was your character enslaved as a servant at Arceneaux Manor? Your whole lineage reduced to mute guards at the height of the noble Ishgardian's power? Were they perhaps another lesser noble brought low by the Arceneaux's scheming?
Consequences short of character complete mutilation and death are welcomed here, or perhaps they can embark on a journey of character growth, learning, and atonement.

The Kugane Underworld
Acel had to work in the less pleasant side of Kugane for a few years, so if your character can be found there it's possible they might have crossed paths. Even if they're just in Kugane for normal reasons, they might have seen the incredibly out-of-place Veena trying to get his bearings at the market.

Cat and Mouse
In conjunction with the previous hook, if your character is a mercenary or has ties to yakuza type orgnizations, it's entirely possible they've been hired to get rid of (or retrieve) Acel. He is, after all, a deserter.

Understandably, Acel has quite a few enemies on his tail, so the opposite side works as well. He's willing to hire guards at times, though he doesn't always have as much gil as he used to. Mercs and sellswords who are willing to trade and bargain for their services are also welcome.

Chirurgeon Mentors
Although Acel has started a therapy clinic to take advantage of the traumas of war, he is far from a trained chirurgeon. While quite well learned on various subjects including various types of illnesses plaguing the mind, he could use some help in the practical healing department, which means healers of all types are a welcome connection.
[He could also use a doctor himself when he inevitably gets stabbed on the road.]

Would You Like a Knife With That Soup?
Speaking of stabbing, it's not entirely uncommon to see him bleeding out somewhere in the middle of the road or escaping some kidnapping situation or another, so here's a hook that can work with any well (or ill) meaning passerby.

Disciple of War Mentors
While Acel may look effeminate, he did participate on the frontlines and had his fair share of victories during the war. Now, during a time of general peace and individual danger, he needs to hone his skills to better protect himself. Pivoting from fighting dragons to fighting assassins requires knowledge he doesn't have on hand, so if your character is a teacher in the art of espionage or defense, Acel is not so prideful as to refuse.

Of course, despite his lack of suitable license, Acel does have some ability to cure. Having managed to evade the authorities knocking on his door about taxes and silly official documents, he welcomes any kind of patient that has use of his services, whether to manage their relatonships or to help them sleep better at night.

___ of the Night
Having grown up with intent to join the clergy, Acel has no... Noteable understanding of intimacy and sexuality. Since renouncing the school and in the throes of forging his own path, he's come to find that what he thinks is normal about the mortal body is, in fact, not quite so normal at all. Those who grace the night with conversation and intimacy are most strange to him, and he can't deny that there is some curiousity to the ideals of marriage and children. First, however, the young Veena would need a little guidance that it's alright to partake in some pleasure now and then, even if he thinks his own preferences are blasphemous.

Viera Heritage
Ishgard is all Acel has ever known, but it's not for lack of curiousity. Now stepping out into the world at large, he has a better chance of finding other viera, and he could easily be enticed to come along in order to learn more about his mother's people.

This is less of a hook and more of a general musing but for all that Acel is, his character theme is redemption and atonement. Wise mentors who will guide him out of his orthodox prejudices, no-nonsense guides who can artfully bring him down a few notches, and mediators who can bridge the highborn with the plight of the lowborn and ease his vengeance are all highly sought after.
At his core, Acel isn't aligned with evil in any way. He's simply an overprivileged mortal who is still quite immature for his age, and with the right foundation rebuilt there's hope for him yet.

... And everything else.
Don't see a hook that works for you? Have one of your own? Feel free to send a tell or drop a message anyway! I'm happy to discuss things with anyone who has some interest in Acel, so feel free to approach!


Name: Saibraeus, Sai
Timezone: PST
RP Format: lit, semi-lit, draw, in-game
I've been rping for over 15 years so I like to think I know what I'm doing! I also work as a freelance illustrator so I'm online at all sorts of weird times.

Seeking: Long or short term, dark, casual, comedy, adventure, rp partners over 21+, character development, psychological/moral dilemmas, friends, acquaintances, enemies, and everything in between; also seeking friends to play the game with!Notes:
X Multi-shipping / Polyamory
X Partners under 21 y/o
X Lack of IC/OOC separation
X Mirror posting (Write as much or as little as you want!)
✓ Mature subjects (Psychological etc.)
✓ Character development
✓ Lore compliant but not overly strict
✓ Ingame preference but willing to do discord for fill in.
✓✓ Discord pre-planning for serious plots
Contact: Feel free to message me in game [Acel Arceneaux, Mateus].General note: If you see me at a venue without my RP tag on, I'm just chilling-- most likely there to listen to the performance rather than actively looking to RP. Feel free to send an OOC tell instead.

Regarding Romance/ERP: I generally need to be friends with my RP partners. If there's no OOC trust or the chemistry doesn't exist, then it's difficult for me to get into. This does not mean I want to date you OOC or vice versa, but it means I adhere to a mutual understanding of IC exclusivity when a ship is made official. If taking NSFW gposes with others, keeping a courtesan job, ERP flings, open relationships etc. are things you prefer to do, then we're likely not on the same page.That said, we can still be friends (And I do respect such preferences); I'd just like to know upfront what I'm dealing with before I get invested.



[250k billed hourly; real gil venue]
First consultation session is free.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

... and other cognitive forms of therapy.CBT is what one thinks of traditionally when considering therapy.Best used for issues that plague the mind or injuries sustained via non-physical means, through multiple sessions the client and the therapist will work to figure out the root causes of the problem, with the latter providing insight and thought exercises to overcome what ails them.Despite the name, most patients will be treated with a different principle and school of thought or a combination thereof, in order to best handle the problem at hand.

Interpersonal Counseling

Offering a safe space and acting as a mediator, the therapist will faciliate discussion and try to identify root causes for turbulent relationships for the affected parties to work on together.This is the service for couple's therapy, marriage counseling, family therapy, and all other forms of interpersonal conflict.Can be done with each person individually as separate sessions, or together in the same session.

Aetherial Physiotherapy

A more hands-on approach to recovery; best for physical injuries causing distress.Aetherial physiotherapy combines the use of aether and massage techniques to rehabilitate damage sustained through physical means. Multiple sessions are generally required to ensure full recovery.

Psychiatric Treatment

A more chemical and aether based approach to treatment. Alchemical potions and other such medication will be used to treat neurochemical/aetherial imbalances in the patient.Generally reserved for deeper running issues that go beyond the scope of CBT such as severe trauma or addiction, but can be used in conjunction with the other forms of therapy as well.

Preventative Relaxation

No problems? No problem.We also offer preventative services to help relax and decompress from both big and micro stressors in your daily life.A relaxation booking includes a casual conversation partner (if desired), a medicinal bath and massage with your choice of scent, as well as any number of refreshments offered from the light menu.This service can also be booked for those who are uncertain whether they need a longer program, or if there is simply a one-time issue they would like to discuss with a confidential third party.


[Complimentary with each session; feel free to ask at any time.]


- Water
- Hot Chocolate
- Chamomile Tea
- Ishgardian Tea
- Masala Chai
- Heavenly Eggnog
- Apple Juice
- Orange Juice
- Aged Wine [Mors]


- Espresso con Panna
- Triple Cream Coffee


- Honey Muffin
- Pastry Fish
- Lemon Waffle

Booking & Clinic Rules

[OOC Disclaimer: Therapy sessions are purely for entertainment roleplay purposes.]
Advice given is not to be taken as diagnoses nor replacement from licensed professionals.

Please do not mix IC/OOC

The writer behind Acel is not a medical professional, nor can Acel give advice on any genuine issues on the part of the client's writer. Any issues Acel deals with should purely be story and narrative based, grounded in fiction.

We're (Somewhat) SFW

You can try to ask for a happy ending with a relaxation package or even some straight up "physical healing" therapy but be prepared: it's a long way down from the 33rd floor.That said, given the premise of the venue, we do deal in heavy issues of the potentially nsfw/nsfl kind, and we try to do so respectfully with due seriousness.

21+ (OOC) Venue

We ask that players below the age of 21 to refrain from booking services here.Characters who are 21 or younger are permitted, however.

Unwilling Clients will cost you extra

Staging an intervention? Need to strap some poor guy down and classically condition him to do your bidding?Acel can help, but it'll cost you.
[All players must consent OOC]

Improvement requires personal responsibility & Desire

Acel cannot help someone who does not want to be helped or does not make an active attempt at trying.Even so: no guarantees and no refunds.

Client Confidentiality

Acel permits no servants in the office in strict adherence to client privacy.Please send a tell upon arrival and before entering the office, as he may be in session with another.

Ready to book?

[Alternatively, you may also send a tell if you see Acel online.]